Saturday, February 23, 2013

Your Adventure begins at 6. Dress your nicest.

Every girl dreams of having her birthday be some crazy fun adventure suprise.. or maybe they just dream of other things.. I don't know.. 

I got a text saying " Your adventure begins at 6. Dress your nicest." I was a little preplexed and excited about this. I showed my roommate and she got very excited. she ran off into my closet and looked through everything. She found my Vera Wang collection and quickly dressed me. I wore my Vera Wang little black dress with my nicest strand of pearls and got my hair done. It was a surreal thing and when I finally looked in the mirror, I saw a grown up. It was then that I realized that I have done the majority of my learning and now I must put these things in to practice and grow up. It was then that I realized that I am at that amazing cross roads where young adult meets adult.. it was then that I realized that this summer would be my last opportunity to be reckless and not think about the future too much... just make memories and experience things that I probably wont ever experience since I have to be grown up and stuff.. ok.. that sounds really really bad.. but it smy last chance to have a crazy fun summer adventure is what I am trying to get at. I'm really excited for it.. but anyways.. I digress.. I was all sorts of dressed up.

How was my adventure you ask.... It was INCREDIBLE!! It was somehting I had dreamed of for some time. He is the best. :) I love him.

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