Saturday, February 23, 2013

Project addict

I have this little problem where I live my life one project at a time. This is a time where I am obsessed with a project that I eat breathe and sleep project.

This one was a medium sized project. It involved several people and lots of hours in front of a computer. It required lots of planing, drafting, and lots and lots of design skills.

During my freshman year college I was looking into theatre Arts and graphic design. I took computer design classes and theatre classes.. My computer class requied like two hours a day and lots of practice. I learned a whole lot from it including the basics of photoshop, and the basic principles of designing a lay out for a magazine and other graphic things.

I can honestly say that it took me about 40 hours to complete. It required many hours of picture editing and lay out crating as well as contacting and spelling and grammar revisions. It took a lot out of me but the best part was not the finished product. It was seeing the look on his face when he recieved it. He was all sorts of excited and grateful and emotional in every way. I think he liked it :P

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