Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fall in love

Ok. I may have puked a bit in my mouth when I typed that.

But... its the sad reality.  I am in love with an amazing guy.. completely the opposite of what I had always dreamed of falling in love with. '
I had always dreamed of falling in love with a guy who had brown sunkissed skin from working outside so much. He would have amazing skills like wood working, gutting. an amazing hunter and a great cook in consequence. He would do things spur of the moment and would love the outdoors and nature more than anything. He would have a nice sized piece of land on the coast where he dreamed of raising cattle and a dozen kids. He would know how to train animals and have his dog be his best friend. This man would bea lover of the country and just absolutely love the outdoors. He wuld go insane f he had to go to the city, but he would be a fun social, neighbor loving guy. He would be known and loved by everybody. He would be the right balance between outgoing and quiet. He would be crazy hard working. ... and I fel in love with somebody not like that.

This man is gospel loving, quiet, reserved. He knows his way around the outdoors but doesn't show off his skills much. He loves his neighbors and would do anything for their well being.  He is like a book that you have to read and ponder to figure out. He is a mystery. He is a skinny processed food lover. his skin is a pale white color that gets red really easily. His eyes speak the words he cannot say. He doesn't own tons of land or know about cattle.. but he is willing to learn. He loves learning and teaching and spending time with those he cares about. He knows the basic man skills like changing the oil from a car, and other house things. He is incredibly patient and open minded. He has goals and does the impossible to reach them. He has proiorities and doesn't change anything for them. He enjoys learning and has his limits he is willing to cross for those he loves. His daily goal is to make me smile.

He is better than the guy I had always dreamnt of. He actually exists and has the important qualities I had always dreamnt of. He supports me in my desicions and goals. He is somebody I can trust in.

He loves me and I love him.
 He does all those stupid little details that most guys often over look.. but he does them so often that the big things don't matter.  He is perfect.

Playing waitress

I'm sure you have seen a movie with a scene like this and thought " thats sooo nice!! I wish some one would do that for me!!"

Well, with alittle help from my roommates I was able to have one of these experiences :)

He didn't surprise me.. I got him.

You see, it was his one year aniversary from coming home from the mission and I decided to do somehting about it. The day of the anniversary I played like it wasn't a big deal. We went out to a local cupcake shop and had a cupcake, talked a bit then left.

The next day I was so involved in his project ( and he knew it) that he was dying to just spend an hour with me. I told him I was frustrated with it and we went to a soccer game on campus. Meanwhile, I had my roommates at my apartment cleaning up and cooking and setting up. I Got a text saying " be ready in ten" and we came in ten... We walked in and dinner was set on the table.. it wasn't anything fancy ( we are only college students) and my roommate said " Hi. I'm Emily and I will be your server for tonight." he quickly looked at me and was completely shocked. It was quite exciting to put this on. It was incredibly romantic and sweet of my roommates to do. The food was delicious. It was served on our nice " adult" plates ( not plastic and actually came in a set) and garnished beautifully. She came in periodically and checked up on us. It was like going to a restaurant but at home and full of surprises.  I love it! My roommates are the best!!

Project addict

I have this little problem where I live my life one project at a time. This is a time where I am obsessed with a project that I eat breathe and sleep project.

This one was a medium sized project. It involved several people and lots of hours in front of a computer. It required lots of planing, drafting, and lots and lots of design skills.

During my freshman year college I was looking into theatre Arts and graphic design. I took computer design classes and theatre classes.. My computer class requied like two hours a day and lots of practice. I learned a whole lot from it including the basics of photoshop, and the basic principles of designing a lay out for a magazine and other graphic things.

I can honestly say that it took me about 40 hours to complete. It required many hours of picture editing and lay out crating as well as contacting and spelling and grammar revisions. It took a lot out of me but the best part was not the finished product. It was seeing the look on his face when he recieved it. He was all sorts of excited and grateful and emotional in every way. I think he liked it :P

Your Adventure begins at 6. Dress your nicest.

Every girl dreams of having her birthday be some crazy fun adventure suprise.. or maybe they just dream of other things.. I don't know.. 

I got a text saying " Your adventure begins at 6. Dress your nicest." I was a little preplexed and excited about this. I showed my roommate and she got very excited. she ran off into my closet and looked through everything. She found my Vera Wang collection and quickly dressed me. I wore my Vera Wang little black dress with my nicest strand of pearls and got my hair done. It was a surreal thing and when I finally looked in the mirror, I saw a grown up. It was then that I realized that I have done the majority of my learning and now I must put these things in to practice and grow up. It was then that I realized that I am at that amazing cross roads where young adult meets adult.. it was then that I realized that this summer would be my last opportunity to be reckless and not think about the future too much... just make memories and experience things that I probably wont ever experience since I have to be grown up and stuff.. ok.. that sounds really really bad.. but it smy last chance to have a crazy fun summer adventure is what I am trying to get at. I'm really excited for it.. but anyways.. I digress.. I was all sorts of dressed up.

How was my adventure you ask.... It was INCREDIBLE!! It was somehting I had dreamed of for some time. He is the best. :) I love him.

Walking on water.

Walking on water

Everybody knows the story of how Jesus walked on water.. and many people have tried to do the same. I think people often over look the state the water is in. This President's day I was able to walk on water. My amazing boyfriend took me out to Utah and one day we were just driving around and we ended up going to a lake... the Utah lake. we wanted to get close so we walked close and closer to the lake. the floor was covered in snow so we didn't know where the lake was.. and we were wondering where it was.. until we realized that we were walking on water!!

IT was WAY exciting.

The fact that we were walking on top of a frozen lake was not the most exciting part.. but we also watched the sun go down behind the mountains, and had quite the adventure getting to the lake. You see, to get down to the lake, there was a little drop off.. and as we went down this steep hill, i managed to get into a quick sand mud puddle. I was quickly sinking into this goey mess and ruining my shoes. HE managed to pull me out and we survived... ok.. it wasn't that bad.. but it was quite the adventure.