Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun. fun. fun . in the sun!

So every summer, I need a little bit of fun in the sun.. wreckless fun..

ok.. it wasnt very wreckless.. but it was adrenaline pumping!!

.. maybe not a lot.. but it was FUN!

I went tubing with my best friends youth group. We went to a lake nearby and had some fun.

While we were on the tube( my best friend and I ) I came to realize that most of the crazy fun I have had, has been by his side.   Some of the things most people wish they had the chance to do, I have done with him. I have seen the sun rise over the ocean with him. I have seen it set over the ocean with him. I learned to surf along side him, as well as watch baby sea turtles hatch and run into the ocean.. next to him.. He was busy burying himself in the sand.. but he was there!! we went on a ghostship and he didnt let my hand go becuase I was TERREFIED.. We kyaked ( almost to mexico) together. We canoed for a whole weekend.. anyways,.. those (and many others) do for another post.

After I realized this, I realized I Was ok. even though I had been on a tube before, its alwas scarry getting back on.. through out the whole time he and I were remeniscing about the great times we had together.. and I think I started falling for him. we REALLY HAVE done EVERYTHING together. ...
anyways.. that was tubing..

we got some nice tans.. no major injuries.. and only one person was motion sick the whole time.. (yep, that was me.... )

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