Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sea side sunrise and sae turtle hatching.

Many people go their whole life, sometimes they go through their savings just to see this.. and I did!! without having to wish for it very very hard noor did I spend my life savings on it.. 
 It happened the same day I got to see sea turtles hatch and go into the warm waters of the Gulf.
  I didn't do this alone, I did this with my best friend. It was awesome. We saw the sun go from below the horizon, to well above the horizon.. and on that same day we say it go down Below. .. it was MARVELOUS.
The Turtle count was 409.  Can you believe that ? 409 Sea turtles hatched THE SAME DAY and ran into the water at the same time! It was estimated by the Biologist on hand that maybe 1 would reach adult hood.. Right as he said that, a seagull swooped down and ate one of them. OF course us, the crowd, gasped in disbelief. 

It was a majestic sight these 409 sea turtles running. excited, and for some reason, no matter how you put them.. they found their way to the water.  Some of the biologists believed it was something having to do with the sun.. they hatched before the sun came up.. and as soon as it started to show.. they started running like nobody's business..

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