Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2. Getting into college

Actuakky, i got into ALL The coleges I Applied to.. Except BYU.. but I didnt want to go there in the first place. I got into the college I kinda had my sights on for a while.. it was rather awesome. So we were in a little town in Texas for the night and I decided to check facebook.. but I had my email open just in case.. then I see that I got mail ( you know that little thing that pops up from Yahoo instant Messenger that tells you when you have mail?) . So I oppened it and found I GOT IN!!!  not only that, but I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP!!  This was December 28th,2010..  By January 13th, I had accepted and declared a major. By march14, I had my appartment and flight details. I like to think that I got in because of my extracurriculars.. but who knows?

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