Sunday, May 6, 2012

1. Perform in Mexico

I always have loved the theatre. For some time I tried doing it myself. During that time I loved it so much I  had one goal: to perform back home, possibly for free. 
This opportunity finally presented its self a few years after I thought of it. I performed with about a thousand other youth at El Teatro de los Heroes in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. It was AWESOME!
 We did it as part of Youth conference/ EFY . The theme was " a travel through time" where every stake had a different decade. We has 50-60's. We danced " Iremos Juntos", California Dreaming, along with many other songs. 
It took many many many weeks of training. We rehersed atleast 4 hours a day for 5 days a week. It was exhausting and time consuming, and a lot of the time it was very frustrating but there was no better feeling than performing in front of hundreds of people ( over a thousand people)  and some of those being Area of the Seventies. it was AMAZING!

I think the night after the performance, we couldnt get any sleep because we were so hyped up about the chance we got.

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