Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bucket list

I recently found out about a little girl names Avery who had MS in such a way that when she was diagnosed, it was thought she would have less than 18 months to live. Her parents started up a blog about her adventures. The blog is called Avery's Bucketlist. After trying to read the first few entries, I realized that I dont have to be dying in order to have a bucket list. In a way everybody is slowly dying. Every milisecond that passes by, we are dying. We are only put in this life for a certain amount of time. Everybody's is different. Everybody's journey is different. But everybody has one thing in common: the things we want to get done before we die. The things we want to experience and see, do, feel, smell taste.  I know that when the time comes I will look back and see how much I saw, heard, felt, and smelled.  I am very excited to docment these things I have done and will do.

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