Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2. Getting into college

Actuakky, i got into ALL The coleges I Applied to.. Except BYU.. but I didnt want to go there in the first place. I got into the college I kinda had my sights on for a while.. it was rather awesome. So we were in a little town in Texas for the night and I decided to check facebook.. but I had my email open just in case.. then I see that I got mail ( you know that little thing that pops up from Yahoo instant Messenger that tells you when you have mail?) . So I oppened it and found I GOT IN!!!  not only that, but I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP!!  This was December 28th,2010..  By January 13th, I had accepted and declared a major. By march14, I had my appartment and flight details. I like to think that I got in because of my extracurriculars.. but who knows?


 YES!!! I'm taking the TRAIN!!! WOOOOOO!!! I never knew that passenger trains still existed! this has been a dream of mine since I first knew what a passenger train was.

I will spent 19 hours in a TRAIN!! in the most amazing Texas scenery. WHOA! It was GREAT!!

They were ver y resourceful ( of course you have to! you only have so many things on board). The food was expensive but IMPRESIVE! People on board were interesting. Everybody was so friendly. Everybody had a story to tell, and were excited to share that story. I met some preety cool people. People that said things that really stuck to me . like this one guy talking about drugs ( he looked like Leo from That 70's show. .. and acted like him too) He was telling me about the place, its history and its natives. From the stories he told, I think he spent time with them. Anyways, what stuck with me about him was that he said " you know when a mate cheats on you .. you know whay that hurts?? It hurst because you TRUSTED them and they betrayed that trust.. not because of the carnal act they commited, but becuase of that TRUST they betrayed" I am preety sure he was sobbing after this.

IT was raining while we crossed some AMAZING places you would only see in movies.. it was ABSOLUTELY Breath taking.

When we got to our destination, we found that the train station was established over 100 years ago. it had marble, and tons of hand decorations and carving. When I first walked in, I had a flashback to the first talking  scene where she is at the train station.

 I started crying when I got it. it was a weenie move on my part..

I can;t wait to travel by train again.. it was AMAZING and I urge everybody to try it atleast once. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

1. Perform in Mexico

I always have loved the theatre. For some time I tried doing it myself. During that time I loved it so much I  had one goal: to perform back home, possibly for free. 
This opportunity finally presented its self a few years after I thought of it. I performed with about a thousand other youth at El Teatro de los Heroes in Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. It was AWESOME!
 We did it as part of Youth conference/ EFY . The theme was " a travel through time" where every stake had a different decade. We has 50-60's. We danced " Iremos Juntos", California Dreaming, along with many other songs. 
It took many many many weeks of training. We rehersed atleast 4 hours a day for 5 days a week. It was exhausting and time consuming, and a lot of the time it was very frustrating but there was no better feeling than performing in front of hundreds of people ( over a thousand people)  and some of those being Area of the Seventies. it was AMAZING!

I think the night after the performance, we couldnt get any sleep because we were so hyped up about the chance we got.

Bucket list

I recently found out about a little girl names Avery who had MS in such a way that when she was diagnosed, it was thought she would have less than 18 months to live. Her parents started up a blog about her adventures. The blog is called Avery's Bucketlist. After trying to read the first few entries, I realized that I dont have to be dying in order to have a bucket list. In a way everybody is slowly dying. Every milisecond that passes by, we are dying. We are only put in this life for a certain amount of time. Everybody's is different. Everybody's journey is different. But everybody has one thing in common: the things we want to get done before we die. The things we want to experience and see, do, feel, smell taste.  I know that when the time comes I will look back and see how much I saw, heard, felt, and smelled.  I am very excited to docment these things I have done and will do.