Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm a gypsy. Are you coming with me?

This HAS to be my FAVORITE thing about the summer so far.  I went to Driggs,IDaho and from there I noticed that the mountains were in Wyoming. We went on a quick trip to Wyoming and then I went to Rexburg. I spent the night in Rexburg,Idaho then in the morning headed off to Utah. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!?!? Upon leaving utah, Ibeing the best s returned to Idaho and stayed with some friends. That brought the number of couches I have slept on to 4 different couches... in ONE week!!! I just feel ridicuously blessed to have so many fun adventures and know people willing to let me sleep on their couch. How many more couches till I get to go back to my bed? We will see. So far, Couchi surfing is my life. It is ridiculoulsy fun. This summer is most DEFINATELY the best summer so far! GO ME!

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