Monday, April 1, 2013

Speaking of Goals...

Here goes summer 2013's Goals!!!

1. Read a novel in french and understand it!!
       I took 5+ years of french and I LOVE the language. I have since disregarded it for the most part and I have decided hat enough is enough! I will read a book and get back in to my french speaking days.

2. Understand and apply PURE LEISURE in my life!!
    I study Recreation and Leisure and I have seen where I lack these traits severe-ly in my life. I have studied my roommate's leisure habits and found that she has a lot of satisfaction from the small things. I will go back to enjoying these small things and LOVE everything that comes my way. I  plan on studying children's recreation patterns and see where I have changed and stopped getting this satisfaction. I will spend less time on the bottom of Nash's Pyramid and more time on level 3-5 ( 5 is based off of the Ancient Greek belief that in helping others one is helping themselves.. so in other words.. MORE SERVICE)

3. Cross 3 things off my buket list ( life long)

4. At the end of every day I will write down a good leisure thing I  did during the day as well as tender mercies.

5. I will spend more time outside. My color will be a nice golden sun kissed shade.

6. I will Make memories that will last a life time and make Summer 2013 MEMORABLE

7. I Will go to one home coming this summer.

8. I Will find a minimum of two ancestors.

9. I will read a historical novel on a country in Central or South America.

10. I will meet a Colombian a week OR sit and listen to someone's life story a week. I will learn to LOVE people.

This is what I plan on doing this summer. COME WHAT MAY, I WILL ENJOY, LEARN, AND MAKE IT MEMORABLE. :)

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