Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bucket list

1. Have a pillow fight with down pillows and have the stuffing fall out
2. camp in all 50 states.. and atleast 5 countries in south America
3. Visit each continent.
4. Go to Canada
5. Be able to go to a city and know enough history of it to be able to give a city tour.
6. be in 4 places at once!
7. Read the Book of Mormon twice a year starting in 2013
8. Learn to swim
9. Do everything on a bulletin board on Pintrest.
10. Learn photography
11. have a picture of mine in a newspaper or magazine
12. be able to make gourmet cupcakes!
13. Eat a dish from every country.
14. collect currency from every country.
15. Have an American Coin Collection of every important year in my life.
16. send a wedding invitation to the white house
17. One day be able to say " I made that" refering to clothese.
18. make my own cook book
19. try a new dish once a week for a year.

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