Sunday, November 10, 2013

Future home

As I meet people and go through life, I wonder how they got to where they are. Then I can't help but wonder how to get myself to where I want to be.
When I think of an "adult" I think of a mom and a dad. In my head, that is adulthood.  As a mom, you have kids. And THAT is terrefying.

As I study recreation, I see how much it helps in development. It is the basis for creativity, for a family, for well-being, and for sucess. Yeah. Crazy huh?

So imagine I am married ( JUST imagine...) and I have kids ( Again, just imagine) I would be living in Montana on a small plot of land far from everybody ( duh, its Montana) with a couple of kids ( 5-12). The first will be twin boys.. then a girl, then just a party.
I don't want my kids to be living in the wilderness and rely on electronics for entertainment. I want them to have simple toys, and instruments, and books as their friends. I wish for us to only have 1 tv, and that be in the livingroom. OR maybe a projector. With set amounts of time to watch it.

I want their recreation to be wholesome and their play to be imaginative. Their play will be un structured, free, and developmental.  I can already see them in the summer playing in the puddles, swimming in the lake, making mud pies. Then their dad would come home and they would have lessons for some instrument they play. We will speak at least 3 languages fluently in our home, all of us. There will be a room just for reading, and books all over the house. There will be  a room just for playing their instruments, somewhere they can be to be alone. Another room for crafts with the walls lined with colors, paints, fabrics, canvases, beads, threads, etc. There will be simple things for them to play with such as pool noodles, pom poms, spoons, pots and pans, MUD ( my favorite after sticks), yarn of all colors, construction paper, crayons,beads, wooden blocks, bubbles, finger paints, glue, noodles, scissors, all sorts of goey things. etc. 

My family will be well rounded, with creativity encouraged, free play when they wake up.

I know i'm still young and know nothing about parenting, and things will be different. But this is how I want it.

I still don't have a husband, much less kids, but I already love them.

Here is a TED talk on play


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