Monday, October 28, 2013

Hike on snake River.

This was not on my bucket list, but its something I do not want to forget.

I was walking in the hallway of my apts and this guy was walking around. I got excited because this guy was not like the others and quickly pointed out that he was brown. He replied stating that he was from central America and that caught my attention.  I then proceeded to let him in to my house and he played his violin for me. blah blah blah. he came over the Tuesday after. He made amazing food and while I ate, he played for me. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! Boy can PLAY! it felt like something off of a movie and it was just breathtaking. Anyways, one thing lead to another and Saturday we went on a little hike. I had imagined it being short and boring... but it was the oposite! We climbed some rocks, ate lunch in a very small cave then hiked UP some crazy hills. We then chased some cows around and climbed some more rocks followed by some awesome cricket chasing. After him plucking many cactus out of me, I started doing it myself. I felt like a grown up! lol. We then were headed back to the car and got lost. we ended up finding many carcases and got scared, ran out and headed off in to the car. It wasn't something necesarily that people don't experience, but it was most definately something that not everybody can say they did?

Fall 2013 update.

I find it funny that I am required to make a bucket list for a class.. if only they knew. :)

I'm glad I have this assignment because I would have not checked my progess, and would not be reminded of how awesome I am. Humility, a strength. I know. :P

I am currently undergoing some changes, and new goals will be posted soon. :)

Summer 2013 Check-in.

WOW!  I find that I veered from the path I had envisioned for myself this summer.
1. Read a novel in french and understand it!!
       I took 5+ years of french and I LOVE the language. I have since disregarded it for the most part and I have decided hat enough is enough! I will read a book and get back in to my french speaking days.

2. Understand and apply PURE LEISURE in my life!!
    I study Recreation and Leisure and I have seen where I lack these traits severe-ly in my life. I have studied my roommate's leisure habits and found that she has a lot of satisfaction from the small things. I will go back to enjoying these small things and LOVE everything that comes my way. I  plan on studying children's recreation patterns and see where I have changed and stopped getting this satisfaction. I will spend less time on the bottom of Nash's Pyramid and more time on level 3-5 ( 5 is based off of the Ancient Greek belief that in helping others one is helping themselves.. so in other words.. MORE SERVICE)

3. Cross 3 things off my buket list ( life long)

4. At the end of every day I will write down a good leisure thing I  did during the day as well as tender mercies.

5. I will spend more time outside. My color will be a nice golden sun kissed shade.

6. I will Make memories that will last a life time and make Summer 2013 MEMORABLE

7. I Will go to one home coming this summer.

8. I Will find a minimum of two ancestors.

9. I will read a historical novel on a country in Central or South America.

10. I will meet a Colombian a week OR sit and listen to someone's life story a week. I will learn to LOVE people.

1I got part way through my french novel before I forgot about it.
2I did study pure leisure, didn't apply it as well as I wish I would have.. it was definately there and I was practicing it.
3. With the help of my two best friends, I had a small garden. There were a couple of mistakes, and it wasn't as fruitful as I would have wished, but I got a couple of herbs out of it before the heat killed it.
4. I was not consistent with writting leisure and tender mercies. 
5. I DID spend more time outside. I rarely got in a car, and my main mode of transportation was a bicycle. my shade wasn't the one I wished for, but it was better than before!
6. DEFINATELY did this! The whole making a garden thing was AWESOME! Not only because I grew a couple of things, but I DID immerse myself in it completely, but because that meant spending more time with my best friends. I had the WONDERFUL opportunity to know what being a parent was like. I nannied a 2 yr old and a baby less than 6 months old. It was crazy awesome. Some days were better than others, but I got to learn more about love and what it is that I have to look forward to.  I got my mission call and will be spending the next 18 months serving a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints in Sonora, Chihuahua!!!  My best friends met with the missionaries multiple times.  Leilani and I rode our bikes to the swimming pool in our bathing suites. LEGIT!  I did NOT end up in the ER. My two monkeys and I went out and did crazy things together all of the time. We got closer and further.
7.  Nope. :(
8. YES! I found like 8! all sibblings!!! I also taught my mom how to do Family History. 
9. I didn't read any historical novels or biographies. :( It was more fiction and council.
10. I Didn't meet many Colombians but I did meet tons of new people. my favorite was this Lady on the bus I sat next to every day. She had a simmilar job as I did, got paid about the same and did more work than me. Yep. I felt blessed! I could sleep at work if I wanted to. If I wanted to leave, I could etc.

Even though I did not acomplish all of  my goals, I had a fun summer. Memorable indeed.