Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm a gypsy. Are you coming with me?

This HAS to be my FAVORITE thing about the summer so far.  I went to Driggs,IDaho and from there I noticed that the mountains were in Wyoming. We went on a quick trip to Wyoming and then I went to Rexburg. I spent the night in Rexburg,Idaho then in the morning headed off to Utah. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!?!? Upon leaving utah, Ibeing the best s returned to Idaho and stayed with some friends. That brought the number of couches I have slept on to 4 different couches... in ONE week!!! I just feel ridicuously blessed to have so many fun adventures and know people willing to let me sleep on their couch. How many more couches till I get to go back to my bed? We will see. So far, Couchi surfing is my life. It is ridiculoulsy fun. This summer is most DEFINATELY the best summer so far! GO ME!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Speaking of Goals...

Here goes summer 2013's Goals!!!

1. Read a novel in french and understand it!!
       I took 5+ years of french and I LOVE the language. I have since disregarded it for the most part and I have decided hat enough is enough! I will read a book and get back in to my french speaking days.

2. Understand and apply PURE LEISURE in my life!!
    I study Recreation and Leisure and I have seen where I lack these traits severe-ly in my life. I have studied my roommate's leisure habits and found that she has a lot of satisfaction from the small things. I will go back to enjoying these small things and LOVE everything that comes my way. I  plan on studying children's recreation patterns and see where I have changed and stopped getting this satisfaction. I will spend less time on the bottom of Nash's Pyramid and more time on level 3-5 ( 5 is based off of the Ancient Greek belief that in helping others one is helping themselves.. so in other words.. MORE SERVICE)

3. Cross 3 things off my buket list ( life long)

4. At the end of every day I will write down a good leisure thing I  did during the day as well as tender mercies.

5. I will spend more time outside. My color will be a nice golden sun kissed shade.

6. I will Make memories that will last a life time and make Summer 2013 MEMORABLE

7. I Will go to one home coming this summer.

8. I Will find a minimum of two ancestors.

9. I will read a historical novel on a country in Central or South America.

10. I will meet a Colombian a week OR sit and listen to someone's life story a week. I will learn to LOVE people.

This is what I plan on doing this summer. COME WHAT MAY, I WILL ENJOY, LEARN, AND MAKE IT MEMORABLE. :)