Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Recently somebody pointed out to me that this is more of a bragging blog and not many goals posted. ..  well here go some goals

Before marriage:
-Have an epic pillow fight with down pillows where the stuffing comes out.
-Master the Pianno
-Have a list of places and things I want to do (50+) with my husband.
- Have a clear goal for my life
- Expand my mind in the culinary sense by trying at lest 12 new foods from atleast 7 different countries. Learn how to make them and when they are made. Also, learn when an appropriate time to make them is.
-Be Happy with what ever is thrown at my path.
- Go to important historical places in the U.S. and Mexico and know their history!!
-Make my own historical markers and make a book out of them
-Help my mom publish her book
- Be at the top of the highest point of a mountain range.
-Backpack at least 1 week.
- Loose 50 lbs.
- Make a WHOLE meal using nothing but local in season veggies and fruits and grains. Nothing store bought ( only farmers market) and no imported condiments.. EVERYTHING from the farmers market.
- Learn what veggies and fruits are in season.
-Dance Salsa, merengue, and bachata under the moon light in a park or the middle of no where, or an abandonded parking lot with my clsoest friends.
- Eat spaghetti with no utensils.
-Learn a GREAT new recipie a month for 12 months
-Read a chapter book in French.
-Make an all fruit dessert.
 -Go tanning

- Colombia
-  7 different beaches in the U.S. and 7 in Mexico and have memorable experiences in each beach.
- Canada
-  10 different states and cross though 15( with pictures in front of signs proving I Was there)
- Cuba

-Meet a celebrity ie have lunch with them
- Master two languages.
-Travel the world..  I know that most people have this on theirs and very few actualy acomplish it. Here is my version of it.. I will taste the world. I Will try foods from EVERY country ( ok. maybe 90%of all of them) I will have my favorite dishes. From there I Will take my top 7 ( one from every continent) and travel to that country and have the legit stuff.. since there are 7 continents and one is inhabited by polar bears and penguins.. no I don't mean eat fish and seals.. I will visit it anyways.. but that just means I get to travel a continent TWICE! COLOMBIA AND BRAZIL HERE I COME!!!
- Go to an Indian wedding ( THE WHOLE THING!)
- Learn and study other cultures. How will this be measured you ask? It will be measured when I am able to get on a train and have a conversation with somebody about their culture/religion and know exactly what they are talking about.. COMPLETELY.. without loosing my faith.
-Be well rounded- This one will never be crossed off beause there is always more rounding to do.
- Take amazing photographs of my children
- Have a garden, rely mostly on it. 
-Have a family. Teach them well. Love them.
-Get lost in my husband's eyes every day.
-Marry my best friend
-Name the parents of my ancestors for 9 generations at least. Know their story. Know them.
-Not loose myself in the midst of growing. Always be able to return to my roots and their smplicity
-Teach my children about the World I once knew.
-Be a super hero in my children's eyes.
- Make things out of what I have just like my great grandma Fransisca Torres did with her children
- Know the ways of the Yaquis ( http://www.pascuayaqui-nsn.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32&Itemid=16)
- Experience a "Cicadaapocalypse". http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/03/23/174956817/the-cicadas-are-coming-crowdsourcing-an-underground-movement
 - Get one of my bills across country borders http://www.wheresgeorge.com/ 

This list will be updated as time goes on.. things added. Never deleted. :)

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