Sunday, March 24, 2013

Not your ordinary DQ Blizard

The taste of Flavor ( Driggs,Idaho)

Once again I Was traveling causing havoc in south eastern Idaho when I had this little adventure.

We were driving through a small town and we found this cute little shop. It had " CREAMERY " written on it and I saw the sign on the front door said " OPEN" in bright neon lettering. This was all it took to lure me in. It had been years since I last had been to a creamery , and almost a year since I had ice cream from a good creamery ( Brenham, Texas).

We walk in and the first thing I notice is a hand written note out by the front entrance that said " If I Don't come out, I am in the back making cheese. Yell and I will be out" or something along those lines. I came in looking for good Icecream and got cheese as well!! IT had been a long time since I had some good fresh made cheese with FLAVOR!!! Last time I had cheese where I could see the face of the person who slaved over it for hours was in Villahumada,Chihuahua, Mexico!!!

Anyways, the attendant came out and we started conversing. She told us stories awe bout the cheese, how its made, where the milk comes from, how the place got started and a little bit about herself.. all over some gooood ol' cheese. Turns out she has a REAL PASSION for cheese and she really did know what she was talking about.

Anywho...  we tried the Yellowstone, haystack, saphireblue, and the coking cheese. I walked out with my icecream and a treat.. TWO kinds of cheese!!

The Icecream
You may be wondering how I can write about some icecream.. well its AMAZING!
First off, you need three things to have good Ice cream. 1. Good Ingredients 2. Teqniche 3. the perfect setting

Ingredients -( The milk comes from a place less than four miles away. The cows aren't given hormones or antibiotics and the milk is delivered fresh every morning.
The fruits in the icecream isn't muted with artificial colors or flavors. When you see the strawbery Icecream you may get a little concearned because the color is different from the bright pink you are acustomed to seeing. It is a subtle creamy rich pink. The huckleberries are hand picked in the surrounding area during huckleberry season... etc.
2. Technique.. I don't actually know what the teqnique is.. but you can definately taste a big difference in the icecream from the store bought/ icecream parlor stuff. It is a rich flavor that you can feel.

3. The perfect setting. The temperature needs to be just right and  the setting needs to be amazing.
Well, the temperature was at the point where Winter had been around for long enough for a tiny bit of sun and temps around the 40's to make it feel like summer. The snow was melting. The sun was out. The bright colors and short sleeved shirts were out. It didn't help that the gorgeous rustic Driggs, Idaho was adorned by an amazing sunset, visible from the windows of the shop.

It was an incredible life changing experience. I never imagined that somehting like that existed anymore. I lost my faith at some point roaming the streets of Downtown Houston years ago.

I LOVE IT!  I am forever enamoured with a taste, a scene, an idea, a tradition carried by a family for years.

When I think about Driggs' history, I imagine this may have started in Western Europe or pick up along the way by the original settlers sent out by the Mormon pioneers. Maybe the idea came from a gypsy or a settler that came on their own.
What ever it was, I LOVE IT.
It was a simple experience that I will NEVER forget.

This part of America is being lost. I am ecstatic to have been one of the people to experience it, even for only a few minutes.

Teton Valley Creamery

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Recently somebody pointed out to me that this is more of a bragging blog and not many goals posted. ..  well here go some goals

Before marriage:
-Have an epic pillow fight with down pillows where the stuffing comes out.
-Master the Pianno
-Have a list of places and things I want to do (50+) with my husband.
- Have a clear goal for my life
- Expand my mind in the culinary sense by trying at lest 12 new foods from atleast 7 different countries. Learn how to make them and when they are made. Also, learn when an appropriate time to make them is.
-Be Happy with what ever is thrown at my path.
- Go to important historical places in the U.S. and Mexico and know their history!!
-Make my own historical markers and make a book out of them
-Help my mom publish her book
- Be at the top of the highest point of a mountain range.
-Backpack at least 1 week.
- Loose 50 lbs.
- Make a WHOLE meal using nothing but local in season veggies and fruits and grains. Nothing store bought ( only farmers market) and no imported condiments.. EVERYTHING from the farmers market.
- Learn what veggies and fruits are in season.
-Dance Salsa, merengue, and bachata under the moon light in a park or the middle of no where, or an abandonded parking lot with my clsoest friends.
- Eat spaghetti with no utensils.
-Learn a GREAT new recipie a month for 12 months
-Read a chapter book in French.
-Make an all fruit dessert.
 -Go tanning

- Colombia
-  7 different beaches in the U.S. and 7 in Mexico and have memorable experiences in each beach.
- Canada
-  10 different states and cross though 15( with pictures in front of signs proving I Was there)
- Cuba

-Meet a celebrity ie have lunch with them
- Master two languages.
-Travel the world..  I know that most people have this on theirs and very few actualy acomplish it. Here is my version of it.. I will taste the world. I Will try foods from EVERY country ( ok. maybe 90%of all of them) I will have my favorite dishes. From there I Will take my top 7 ( one from every continent) and travel to that country and have the legit stuff.. since there are 7 continents and one is inhabited by polar bears and penguins.. no I don't mean eat fish and seals.. I will visit it anyways.. but that just means I get to travel a continent TWICE! COLOMBIA AND BRAZIL HERE I COME!!!
- Go to an Indian wedding ( THE WHOLE THING!)
- Learn and study other cultures. How will this be measured you ask? It will be measured when I am able to get on a train and have a conversation with somebody about their culture/religion and know exactly what they are talking about.. COMPLETELY.. without loosing my faith.
-Be well rounded- This one will never be crossed off beause there is always more rounding to do.
- Take amazing photographs of my children
- Have a garden, rely mostly on it. 
-Have a family. Teach them well. Love them.
-Get lost in my husband's eyes every day.
-Marry my best friend
-Name the parents of my ancestors for 9 generations at least. Know their story. Know them.
-Not loose myself in the midst of growing. Always be able to return to my roots and their smplicity
-Teach my children about the World I once knew.
-Be a super hero in my children's eyes.
- Make things out of what I have just like my great grandma Fransisca Torres did with her children
- Know the ways of the Yaquis (
- Experience a "Cicadaapocalypse".
 - Get one of my bills across country borders 

This list will be updated as time goes on.. things added. Never deleted. :)