Saturday, January 19, 2013

Horse back riding!!

I went horse back riding and didn't die, or seriously hurt. Ok. Maybe it isnt that awesome... cus a lot of people do it.. but Its a start. I learned a new skill and will one day master it. My life is awesome!

More North western fun!

Boise,Idaho 2012!!

MY FRIEND GOT MARRIED!!! .. but that is after this event.. ok.

I went home for Thanksgiving with her and had quite the cultural experience.
1. She had 8 sibblings!!! she was one of the youngest and in her early 20's. What does that mean? there were over 20 people at her house including parents, sibblings, their wives and kids... my self and her fiance. Ok. moving on.
2. I made a dominoes chain thing! it was SUPER COOL!!! the best part was watching them fall. It was frustrating at a point, but very fun!
3. I went dirt bike-ing!Also, this means I had my first lesson on driving a stick shift. it was very very very fun. I could not be stoped!
4. I saw her in her dress before anybody!! I may have cried a little... ( A lot) but its ok. she's married and sealed to him for time and eternety! How awesome is that!?!?! Their relationship will NEVER change again. They will be husband and wife FOREVER! from that day on, nothing can EVER separate them! How awesome is that?! I can't wait to have that.
5. I chose a fresh christmas tree!! IT was fun, and it smelled awesome. I had never done that before.
6. I met the parents of the Elder who is teaching my grandmother!!!

My life is awesome. 

Noth Western USA Winter fun!

I happened to leave in the middle of the night and venture into Teton Valley Idaho  and end up in Driggs, Idaho. IT was just so incredible.

I happened to end up there with one of my roommates... just cus we could. When we left our apartment, it was about 2 degrees farenheight. When we were leaving, I kept having flashbacks of my last impromptou midnight eastern Idaho adventure when we ended up stranded on mile 32 for about 5 hours in Montana in temps around -10 when the car just died out the random and would not even turn on.  As I was having flash backs and remembering this little adventure... I saw that the windshield was icing over on the INSIDE!

Anyways, we made it to our destination and several firsts happened. I went to my first mission farewell on Sunday Jan 12, 2013. He went to Arkansas.

Sunday night I had a dinner made from scratch completely and everything was home grown!!! It was DELICIOUS AND AMZING!!! Followed by dessert wich consited of brownies and Ice cream made from scratch.

Monday morning we woke up to Breakfast made from scratch and home grown as well! It was one of the most delicious things I had ever experienced before. Also, as I ate this cracked wheat and bacon breakfast, I watched the sun rise over the Teton Mountains .

After this amazing trip, it was time to head back home. When we were heading back, the temps were down to -34!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!?!